LESS Architects
레스아케텍츠 (레스건축)
Founded in 2009 by Junseung Woo, LESS Architects is an architectural design studio, which focuses on architecture not as a singular practice, but as an interlocking, harmonious and functional steps.
Landscapes are inseparable from structures, structures are inseparable from building requirements and functions, and all converge to improve human relationships as the penultimate goal of any project.
Aesthetic movements and trends may come and go, but we have found these principles to be timeless.
Studio Director
Public architect, Seoul
M.arch, Licenced in Netherland
Studio Instructor: Yonsei Univ., CAU
UPENN 을 졸업하고, UNSTUDIO(Amsterdam), M.FUKSAS(Rome), TEN Arquitectos(NYC) 에서 실무경험을 쌓았다. 세계의 다양한 장소에서 많은 사람들과 만나 일하며, 살아간 경험을 토대로, 현재 레스 아키텍츠 대표를 맡고 있다.
사람에 대한 이해를 바탕으로, 새로운 공간 지오메트리를 연구하고, 재료, 조합방법의 개발과 적용을 통해 건축과 삶의 변화를 추구한다. 대표작으로는 성문안CC클럽하우스, 서소문성지역사박물관, Seoul SM Celebrity Center, ALLURE Banpo, Seoul Frei Waldorf Schule(협동조합학교), M street 빌딩 한남, Cocone 안국 등이 있다.
University of Pennsylvania, US
Master of Architecture, Graduate in Honor Bronze medal, Arthur Spatd Brooke Memorial Prize
Professional Experiences
2008-2009 UNSTUDIO, Amsterdam
Galleria dep.store, Grand Hyatt Frankfurt, Berliner Strasse Munchen, Stern Flagship store
2006-2008 M.FUKSAS, Rome
ShenZhen Airport China, Armani 5th ave. NYC, Phase building Paris, Guggenheim museum Vilnius,
Sheikh Zayed National Museum Abudabi, Gazprom JSC st.petesburg, Palace of Justice France etc..
2005-2006 TEN Arquitectos, NYC
BIFF Cinema complex, Hotel, Residential, Museum, Resort etc..
2004 Rocco limited, Hong Kong
Casino, Hotel in Macau
Junseung Woo
2022 The Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) 2022 / 아키텍쳐 마스터프라이즈
2019 서울시 건축상 , 최우수상
2019 건축문화대상 본상 , 국무총리상
2019 경기건축대상 , 특별상
2018 A+ International Award, Finalist
2017 Winner, Muhak F&B Hannam Building, LESS 지명현상당선
2014 Winner, Sersomun Historical Site Competition, LESS, 서소문밖역사유적지 현상설계 당선
2013 4th Award, Saemangum Landmark Competition, LESS, 새만금 랜드마크 공모 4 등
2012 2nd Prize, Take urban in 72, Seoul, LESS
2012 Selection, IDP international Design Competition, LESS
2009 Winner, Grand Hyatt Frankfurt, UNSTUDIO
2009 Winner, Dalian stadium China, UNSTUDIO
2007 Winner, Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport Competition, m Fuksas arch.
2007 Winner, Montpellier Lycee Marianne, m Fuksas arch.
2007 Finalist, Mammoth Museum Competition, m Fuksas arch.
2007 4th prize, City of Art and Culture in Besancon competition, m Fuksas arch.
2006 Merit Award, UIA International Prehistory Museum Competition
2005 Bronze medal, Arthur Spayd Brooke Memorial Prize in University of Pennsylvania
Awarded to graduating students for distinguished work in architectural design
2004 Winner, Dales Portfolio Competition in University of Pennsylvania
Director of LESS Architects, Junseung Woo has lived and worked in New York City, Hong Kong, Rome, Amsterdam, Philadelphia, Shanghai, and Seoul as an architect. In the process, Junseung encountered diverse people and cultures, experiencing firsthand a vast array of projects, clients’ needs and environments.
This resulted in an understanding of People, Society, Living. It also resulted in an understanding of diversity and complexity. Shaped by these experiences, Junseung became focused on ‘changing rather than fixing,' ‘process rather than result,' and phenomenon rather than idealism, putting more focus on the actual fabrication and realization of an idea based on research, collaboration and understanding. Such approach has consistently led him to something NEW - New Materials, New Technology, and an expanded of view of buildings and fabricating.
“BEST OF BEST” (베스트오브베스트) 수상
2022 The Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) 2022 / 아키텍쳐 마스터프라이즈

Let’s Work Together
We are always looking for new opportunities, whether here in Korea or abroad. Please contact one of our project managers to request further information.